

Baccarat, Inc. A History of Baccarat Modem Paperweights. New York: Baccarat, 1977.

Bedford, John. Paperweights. New York: Walker and Company, 1968.

Bergstrom, Evangeline 11. Old Glass Paperweights. Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1940; Crown Publishers, 1947.

Catalogues of paperweight sales at Christie’s, London; Sotheby’s, London and New York.

Cloak, Evelyn Campbell. Glass Paperweights of the Bergstrom Ait Center. New York: Bonanza Books, 1976.

Elville, E. M. Paperweights and Other Glass Cariosities. 2nd ed. London: Spring Books, 1967.

Hollister, Paul, Jr. The Encyclopedia of Glass Paperweights. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Bramhall House, 1969.

——— . Glass Paperweights of the New-York Historical Society. New York:

Clarkson N. Potter, 1974.

Hollister, Paul, Jr., and Dwight P. Lanmon. Papeiweigbts: “Flowers which clothe the meadows. ” New York: The Corning Museum of Glass, 1978.

Imbert, Roger, and Yolande Amic. Les Presse-Papiers Franqais de Cristal. Paris: Art et Industrie, 1948.

Ingold, Gerard. The Ait of the Paperweight—Saint Louis. Santa Cruz, California: Paperweight Press, 1981.

Jarves, Deming. Reminiscences of Glass-Making. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1865.

——— . Your Ohdt. Serct., Deming Jarves: Coirespondence of the Boston &

Sandwich Glass Company’s Founder, 1825-1829. Sandwich, Massachusetts: The Sandwich Historical Society, 1984.

Jokelson, Paul. Antique French Paperweights. Privately published, 1955.

—- . One Hundred of the Most Important Paperweights. Privately published, 1966.

——— . Sulphides: The Art of Cameo Incrustation. New’ York: Thomas A.

Nelson, 1968.

Jokelson, Paul, and Dena K.Tarshis. Cameo Incrustation: The Great Sulphide Show. Santa Cruz, California: Paperweight Press, 1988.

Kulles, George N. Identifying Antique Papeiweigbts—Lampwork. Santa Cruz, California: Paperweight Press, 1987.


—- . Identifying Antique Paperweights—Millefiori. Santa Cruz, California: Paperweight Press, 1985.

Mackay, James. Glass Paperweights. New York: Viking Press, 1973.

Manheim, Frank J. A Garland of Weights. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1967.

Mannoni, Fdith. Classic French Paperweights. Santa Cruz, California: Paperweight Press, 1984.

McCawley, Patricia k. Antique Glass Paperweights from France. London: Spink and Son, 1968.

——— . Glass Paperweights. London: Charles Letts & Co., 1975.

Mckearin, George S. and I lelen. American Glass. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1968.

Melvin, Jean Sutherland. American Glass Paperweights and Their Makers. Rev. ed. New York: Thomas Nelson, 1970.

Paperweight Collectors’ Association. Annual Bulletin. New York: Paperweight Collectors’ Association, 1955-.

Paperweight News. Santa Cruz, California: Paperweight Press, 1975—.

Pellatt, Apsley. Curiosities of Glass Making. London: David Bogue, 1849. Reprint. Newport, England: The Ceramic Book Company, 1968.

Penwell, Ellen Schaller. I be Morton D. Barker Paperweight Collection. Springfield, Illinois: Illinois State Museum, 1985.

Pepper, Adeline. The Glass Gaffers of New Jersey. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1971.

Revi, Albert Christian. Nineteenth Century Glass. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1959; rev. ed., 1967.

Selinan, Lawrence 11. The Art of the Paperweight—Perthshire. Santa Cruz, California: Paperweight Press, 1983.

——— . Collectors’ Paperweights—Price Guide and Catalogue. Santa Cruz,

California: Paperweight Press, 1975, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1986.

Selinan, Lawrence II., and Linda Pope-Selman. Paperweights for Collectors. Santa Cruz, California: Paperweight Press, 1975.

Smith, Francis Edgar. American Glass Paperweights. Wollaston, Massachusetts: The Antique Press, 1939.

Watkins, Lura Woodside. American Glass and Glassmaking. New York: Chanticleer Press, 1950.

——— . Cambridge Glass: ISIS to ISSS. New York: Bramhall I louse, 1930.

air bubble weights, 34 American Art Glass Quarterly, 132 American factories

first dated paperweight, 49 history, 49

scrambled millefiori, 80 silhouette canes, 72 Amic, Yolande, 140 anemone, 93

Applewhaite-Abbott, Mrs., 188,194

apricot, 108

arrow canes, 74

Art Institute of Chicago, 198

aventurine, 62

Ayotte, Rick, 153


butterfly, 105 carpet ground, 86 chequer weights, 85 circular garlands, 86 close packed millefiori, 80 contemporary history’, 122 date and signature canes, 68 first contemporary weights, 122, 123

history, 38 looped garlands, 87 modern millefiori, 124 mushroom weights, 88 open concentrics, 81 panel weights, 88 pansy, 96

piedouche weights, 90 scrambled millefiori, 79 silhouette canes, 72 snake, 108 spaced millefiori, 84 sulphides, 115, 125 thousand-petaled rose, 100 torsades, 78 zodiac weights, 124 Bacchus

close concentrics, 84 close packed millefiori, 81 history’, 48

mushroom weights, 89 Banford, Bob, 155 Banford, Ray, 155, 157, 168 barber pole chequer, 85

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